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Thursday, 17 March 2011

Media Project 17.3.11

We didn't think that our first shooting was very effective as it lacked the appropriate lighting as we shot in daylight and it also didn't include scary things such as the book falling off a shelf. Therefore we needed to re-shoot the opening to improve it.

The re-shoot was a lot better and much more effective as we made sure that we filmed at night so the lighting was appropriate. Also we used a lot more close ups to add effect to the shots and show the fear of the protagonist. We also included other, more scary events that happened in the opening of the horror film such as a hand banging against the window which fits into our ideas as we wanted the threat to be hidden from the audience.

In the lesson now, we are uploading the opening of the horror film to the Mac and currently editing it. We need to add more sound to the bang on the window as it wasn't loud enough on the original filming. We also need to add the music to the opening.

- Shaun

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