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Thursday, 3 March 2011

Lesson review 3/3/11

For this lesson, we divided the work load between the three of us, with two of us starting to edit the final production and me adding to the blog.

Charlotte and Rebecca began to cut up the clips and because we filmed many shots of the same clip, they viewed them all and found the best one to edit and improve. They improved the clips by cutting them to make them shorter and therefore much more effective. They also tried to lower the light contrast as we filmed with a lot of light in the room. Realizing this, we decided to change the colour of our film to black and white however the phone will still be in a very stand-out red colour to add effect. Such effect is used to highlight the importance of objects in famous films such as "Schindler's List". but afterwards we decided not to do this.

I meanwhile spent time editing and adding to the blog adding such things as a poll to see from the public if the soundtrack for the opening is effective or not along with the soundtrack from the opening of the horror film, the changing of the logo and adding a video bar to the side of the blog. I also spent time writing two evaluation questions and then adding them to the blog.

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