This is my individual evaluation for the first term of AS media studies.
Four areas of evaluation are:
1. Use of the camera.
Our finished work shows that I can hold a shot steady as I have developed a good use of the Tripod as I know how to put the camera on the Tripod and make it bigger.
I can also frame a shot appropriately by using the grids when looking at shots and seeing if the person who is being filmed has enough head room, enough lighting, is shot at the right angle and also has enough space to move but not so much space that the audience isn't being distracted by what is going on in the space and is focusing on what is happening in the shot. However we did make some mistakes in framing a shot as we didn't give enough head room to one person when we filmed our continuity exercise which involved two friends meeting and talking, a result of this meant that we had to go back out and re-shoot the exercise.
I can also use a variety of shot types as we had to do a lot of exercises in continuity so that we can experiment using different shot types such has: Mid-shot, Long-shot. over-the-shoulder and I think tht we applied all these shots very well in our exercise.
I have showed some good signs in the use of composition techniques as we made sure that the two characters in the composition exercise were not positioned in the centre but at an angle so that it is an easier shot for the audience.
2. Use of Editing
I think that the finished work does show that I can apply the rules of continuity editing to shots and exercises. A good example of this is when were filming the continuity exercise where our first shooting was not as good as the shots did not flow as I walked up the stairs and then all of a sudden I was pulling a door. However we re-shot this and made a lot of improvements by removing all jump-cuts and making sure that the audience knew exactly what was going on as we filmed more shots of me walking up to the door and showing where everything was so that it made sense.
I think that I have also chosen appropriate editing transitions to put our shots together as we cut a few seconds from different clips to make sure that the clips flow together and avoid as much of a jump-cut as possible.
3. Selection of content
I think that our finished work does show that I can choose appropriate costume make-up and props. Props were especially important as we had a main prop which we needed to focus on: a pendent. we did not need to focus as much on make-up and costume as it was just set in the public and was just about normal people being haunted by a pendent.
I think that our finished work also showed that I can choose appropriate locations and settings for the film genre as we filmed it in a very similar place to the original and we made sure that we had all the same locational factors such as a pond to throw the pendent in and a bench to sit down.
I also think that the finished work shows that we can choose appropriate actors as we needed to shoot the shot as smoothly as possible. We did have to do a number of takes but this was to our advantage as when it came to editing we had many different shots and we had the advantage of merely just choosing the best take.
4. Self-assessment
I helped by arranging the camera as there were a limited number of cameras and every group doing AS Media was doing the same exercise at the same time so cameras were limited. I had a free Friday morning therefore I came into college and was one of the first people to obtain a camera and then I met up with the rest of my group and handed it over.
I could make some improvements to the film by putting forward my ideas more in the editing process.
Some improvements could be made when it comes to the final coursework film would be the location factor as we had some various sounds such as local people and also birds making noise, so a different location could be used. However overall I am pleased with the film and the progress that we are making.
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